
Complete Policy List of the Canadian Party for a Republic

En français

* Please note that all policy ideas presented here are meant to be discussed and debated vigourously and only represent an attempt at a starting point for the development of a Canadian Republic.

1 - Establish the Republic of Canada with a new Constitution.

2 - Remove the Monarchy of the UK from every aspect of Canadian government.

3 - All land in Canada is no longer owned by the Queen, and ownership and control is returned to Canadian property owners under a new Constitution.

4 - The federal government of Canada can own land, however all land in Canada that is not owned privately does not automatically belong to the federal government of Canada, as the situation is today.

5 - All anti-terror laws passed in Canada shall be abolished, with equality, justice and liberty for all Canadians guaranteed by a new Constitution.

6 - The income tax shall be slowly decreased until it is abolished.

7 - Consumption taxes such as sales taxes and excise taxes shall be slowly increased to compensate for the lack of government revenue from income taxes, and protective tariffs shall be enacted against wares made unfairly, such as slave/sweatshop made goods, which shall be considered to be going against free market principles of fair competition and fair remuneration for services rendered.

8 - Hemp in all its forms, including what is commonly called Marijuana, shall be legalized completely and the hemp industry shall be strongly encouraged in Canada.

9 - The executive shall be a separate branch of government and the executive will not sit in either house of the Congress. The executive shall take care to see that the laws are faithfully executed, in the spirit in which the law was created, and that they are constitutional. The executive branch shall not have the ability to issue signing statements interpreting the law differently than intended, however it will have the ability to issue signing statements on its interpretation of a new law and the intention behind it as a record for future generations to reference.

10 - 30 seconds of advertising time per hour of broadcasting time will be given to citizens voices free of charge on any topic they choose, on a first-come first-serve basis, on all television stations in Canada.

11 - Media monopolies like Bell GlobeMedia will be broken up and strict new laws protecting the independence of the press and mandating its de-centralization shall be enacted.

12 - The derivatives market in Canada shall be abolished, and speculative markets of the type shall be prohibited in Canada on the grounds of being destructive to the general welfare of the country.

13 - All bank ATM fees shall be made illegal in Canada.

14 - Much stricter regulation of the banking and financial industries shall be enacted.

15 - Strict anti-usury laws shall be passed in Canada.

16 - The laws separating the four pillars of the financial system shall be re-enacted.

17 - The statutory reserves through the Bank of Canada shall be re-enacted.

18 - Strict laws restricting capital flight shall be enacted to wrestle control over the economy away from the international money speculators.

19 - The Canadian dollar shall be taken off the international currency trading markets.

20 - Lending to the various levels of government in Canada shall be done through the Bank of Canada and a new law mandating that a minimum amount of financing be done each year through the Bank of Canada shall be passed. Furthermore, it shall be enshrined in the new Constitution that all money created in Canada will be done in a credit system of debt-free sovereign money creation and that all forms of monetarist or debt-based currency are prohibited in Canada.

21 - Massive new investment in infrastructure across Canada will be financed cheaply through the Bank of Canada.

22 - International pressure will be applied by Canada urging the closing of the Bank of International Settlements.

23 - It shall be re-established as a principle in Canadian politics that the central bank is not independent of the government and is in fact subservient to it by law.

24 - Lobbying shall be abolished in Canada and strict rules shall govern all aspects of political life to ensure that elected officials are not corrupted by material offerings.

25 - Four weeks paid vacation shall be guaranteed to all Canadian workers working full-time.

26 - Nationwide soil, water, and air tests shall be done and a new law mandating them every five years shall be enacted. All sites found to be contaminated shall be cleaned up to the fullest extent possible.

27 - Canada shall become a world leader in the development of Generation IV nuclear reactors and Helium-3 fusion reactors.

28 - Canada shall develop its own independent space program, and work in alliance with the space programs of other nations, to setup permanent bases on the moon, with several research and mining purposes, not the least of which being mining Helium-3 for use in fusion power generation.

29 - Canada will work with the United States to build a land-bridge to Russia via Alaska.

30 - Canada will construct a nationwide MagLev train system.

31 - The new Constitution of the Republic of Canada shall guarantee that all powers not expressly given to the federal government by the Constitution are given to the municipal or provincial levels, or to the people directly.

32 - The new houses in the bicameral legislature shall meet in a circle formation instead of divided down the middle. If there are informal heads of any political bloc, they shall all sit together.

33 - Citizen ballot initiatives shall be encouraged and given more force of law in all levels of government in Canada.

34 - The palatial Parliament building in Ottawa shall be turned into a museum and a new, more modest building shall be constructed to house the legislature in order to remind Canadians that our elected officials are not royalty and they do not belong in a palace.

35 - Canada will conduct its own investigation into the events of 9/11 to determine whether our involvement in Afghanistan is justified.

36 - Canada will conduct a thorough investigation into PROMIS software.

37 - The new Constitution of the Republic of Canada shall guarantee an option to vote "none of the above" in every municipal, provincial, and federal election in Canada, and if none of the above wins, a new election must be run with all new candidates.

38 - Recalls of elected officials if a sufficient number of their constituents are displeased with their performance shall be made easier.

39 - All hate speech laws in Canada shall be abolished and freedom of speech shall be guaranteed to all Canadians.

40 - Canada shall withdraw from NAFTA.

41 - Canada shall withdraw from the UN.

42 - Canada shall no longer do business with the IMF or the World Bank.

43 - Canada's debts resulting from the ideology of the Washington Consensus shall be declared null and void.

44 - Any elected official in Canada will be prohibited from engaging in private, secretive meetings such as the Bilderberg meetings, and said types of meetings shall be prohibited in Canada as anathema to our way of life.

45 - The rights of corporations shall be re-defined in the new Constitution. Corporations will be given all rights necessary to build a successful business in a free market, but they will no longer enjoy full personhood and equal protection under the law as flesh and blood humans. There will also be laws establishing that money does not equal free speech and the right to persuade politicians with money as freely as with free speech is not protected.

46 - CSIS shall be abolished and all intelligence gathering shall be given to the authority of the military in Canada. Furthermore, the bulk of intelligence gathering will shift from domestic spying to international intelligence gathering with the purpose of defending Canada from attack. Canada will assemble a committee to determine whether it is in the country's best interest to withdraw from the UK–USA Security Agreement.

47 - The federal government shall provide financial incentives to encourage students to enroll in scientific post-secondary programs, as well as tax credits and other financial incentives to encourage private investment in advanced scientific industries.

48 - A 1% Financial Transactions "Sales Tax" will be collected by the Federal government, and will be used to fund infrastructure and development projects across Canada, and shall be disbursed as follows: 50% to the Federal government, and 50% to the Provincial governments, distributed amongst the provinces according to population density. The tax will also be used to discourage excess speculation in the market, as well as high-frequency "flash trading," and to help steer more credit in the marketplace towards long-term, productive investment. Finally, the tax may also be used to help the federal and provincial governments pay down their debts.


  1. This is beautiful. Removal of the Monarchy from the Canadian government only means we will gain immense autonomy. A republic is the solution - more power to the people :)

  2. Nice One! I'm in! You should head up or help out with TFPC...there is power in groups but not group mentalities! Keep thinking, it's not illegal yet!

  3. On the whole, this is pretty brilliant dude.

  4. Holy geeze I have goosebumps! So good! Posting this on SFC =-)

  5. Maybe this is the draft of a future historic document.

  6. Dude, I fucking love it. I wish Canada was a republic too man, moreso an "enlightened" republic but nonetheless. Get back to me at my e-mail address for further discussion!!! sir_lancinator@hotmail.com

  7. I'm sold were do I sign up?

  8. Internet voting ???
    Are you against democracy ?

    See "Transparency in electronic voting: the great challenge", easy to find on Internet.

  9. Many interesting points,Canada could be a real leader in the new paradigm. Let us rid our sovereign land of all and any global elitists, who put profit before people and our planet.

  10. How will we pay for government programs such as health care? I agree income taxes should go, but where will revenue to make that up come from? Increased consumption taxes hurt the poor more than the rich.

    Why a house of the individual and a house of the community? A house of commons (or a congress,if you will) without a senate may be better.

    I like the idea of a republic, but becoming one with the same elitist trappings as what we have now would be a waste of time and effort.

  11. The internet voting is not for voting in an election. If you read it carefully the internet voting has to do with votes in the Congress, so that the people have more control over what legislation gets passed.

  12. Everyone would need a bomb shelter if this ever came into being.

  13. @Anonymous 11/14/2009 6:58 PM

    Re: Income tax vs. consumption tax and the latter hurting the poor more. Consumption taxes in CPR's view should not be levied over the basics of life, which is what concerns the poor more than those of average lifestyles. Therefore the majority of transactions the poor engage in will not be subject to consumption taxes (i.e: buying food, paying rent or mortgage, electrical costs, heating costs, water bill, etc.) The transactions that should be subject to consumption taxes in CPR's view are the ones that involve non-essential items like televisions, stereos, cars, boats, chewing gum, cigarettes, video games, all the things that make life better but are not essential to sustain life. Those are already subject to consumption taxes today. CPR merely wants to raise those taxes and eliminate the income tax completely. CPR forecasts that the federal consumption tax at 18-20% would be sufficient to sustain revenue at its current level if the income tax were phased out over five to seven years. CPR also proposes that if there are projected shortfalls in the federal budget that a temporary income tax of 10% on those making over 2 million dollars per year be instituted though only for as long as is necessary.

    Re: House of the Individual vs. House of the Community. In our view the unicameral House of Commons system is unworkable and needs to be replaced as there is no check on their power. The two houses idea is merely our proposal for a system of checks and balances for the Republic of Canada's legislature. It is our position that a Senate like the U.S. senate is not only a bad idea, it is fundamentally undemocratic. The Senate in the U.S has two representatives for California and two representatives for Rhode Island. That makes no sense whatsoever and is wholly unfair and undemocratic. The U.S. Senate is a result of the "Great Compromise" in U.S. history and it is, in our view, an unfortunate one and one we should not seek to repeat here in Canada. Thus two houses should be setup, both with the number of representatives according to population, one meant for analyzing a law's effect on individual rights, and one meant for analyzing it's impact on communal rights. Thus a law is guaranteed to respect both, and liberty is more certain.

    @Doug Plumb

    Why would everyone need a bomb shelter? Doesn't it seem like everyone needs a bomb shelter under the current system?

  14. CAPtain Canada wants to be a part of a party that dares to keep Canada free, independant, with all bankers imprisoned as the threat to all that real Canadians hold dear. Whatever happens, visit my website for the sake of yourself and family.

    CAPtain Canada

  15. A nice begining.

    I would advise caution so as not to go to the extreme to counter todays dilema. Advice from many sources is prefered to following ONE mans' lead. A community effort for a community.

    We should be careful not to give ourselves over to another savior.

    Tom P.
    Winnipeg MB

  16. Great. I like this.

    but in case you did'nt know this, there's allready a "republican party of canada", which appeasr to be of the same christian/neocon sorts as the U.S.'s current republican party.

    How do you plan on distinquishing your party from theirs? Or getting this party legal and recognized with the pre-existience of theirs?

    I'd prefer yours myself, but I'm just sayin, the christian/cons got their before we did and have joined the U.S. party in corrupting the term "republican"{grrr! makes me mad!}

    Bill Baker
    Brandon, Manitoba

  17. Bill,

    There will be no problem they are the Republican Party of Canada, RPC. We are the Canadian Party for a Republic, CPR. It will be no problem to distinguish ourselves.

  18. there are way to many polices here, alot i think are good ideas. Many are just to crazy, that i would never like to see passed.
    try bringing it down to like 5 principales. the reset just stat as ideas, in not so much details. it make you look hardlined in your policies, and no room for compermise.

  19. @Anonymous6/26/2010

    This is not helpful criticism. Which do you agree with. Which are crazy? Why are they crazy?

  20. On June 1, 2012, I just noticed this.

    I added links to my thread on Some Monetary System articles:


    Of course, I agree with point 9, since I am registered as the leader of the Federal Marijuana Party. This link below provides some of my history, and how I came to believe the things that I do regarding the ideas proposed by the Canadian Party for a Republic:

